If you visit or live in Salzburg, you may want to consider picking up your puchase at our shop during the opening times.
Since the EU makes everything very complicated, we ship within Austria only. One day the online business may be so successful that I consider hiring someone just to deal with this type of paperwork...
Shipping Charges
Shipping within Austria 4,30 €
Free shipping within Austria from an order value of € 50.
Delivery Time
If there is nothing else mentioned in the specific article description, the goods will be delivered to Austria within 2-5 working days, to other European countries within 2-7 working days after conclusion of an agreement. Delivery will usually be between Monday and Friday.
In case you ordered products with different delivery times, we ship everything together unless we made a different agreement.
Accepted Payment Methods
- Advance payment via bank transfer
- PayPal
- Cash on pickup
If you have any other questions, you may find our contact details in the imprint section.